Four Months Into My 30th Year: Update and Review

Hello readers!   I must admit that I’ve been a bit lazy about blogging this month!  I have ideas and good intentions but also a good dose of writer’s block and blogging dread.   I hope it goes away soon. 

I am happy to report that although I’ve been slow on the blogging,  I’ve definitely been working toward my goals!   Hunky Hubs and I have been busy over the last month gearing up for gardening.   Hunky Hubs took a weekend and built me some awesome raised container beds.   I’m so happy with them! 


Hunky Hubs building me some awesome garden containers

Last weekend we made 3 trips to various stores to get the right soil mix for them,  so now they are fully loaded and ready for me to use.   I’m planning to plant some seeds soon (well,  The ones that can handle a frost) and I’ve got quite a greenhouse going in our office.   The rule around here is that you don’t transplant until after Mother’s Day.   Considering that we had 75 degree weather and a snow storm last weekend,  I think that is probably a good guideline!   As far as my goal of 30 plants,  I think I will definitely exceed that goal.  I’ve got over 100 seedlings right now,  lol.  I can’t wait to post pics of my garden once it is in full swing!

Hunky Hubs and I spent a good week and a half sick this month too.   I got a horrible stomach virus and was down and out for several days,  and then he caught it and was down and out.   We are both so happy to feel better now!

In other goal – related news, I’ve embarked on my 30 no sugar challenge.   In fact,  today is Day 10!  I decided to follow the Whole30 program.   It is an elimination diet that takes out dairy, gluten,  grains, soy, sugar,  etc.  I’ve been eating a lot of veggies, fruit, meats, nuts,  oils,  olives,  etc.  Honestly,  I feel awesome!   It is also really freeing to not have to track everything I eat.   I’m already thinking about how I want to continue once my 30 days are complete.   The whole point of the program is to identify how different foods affect you.   I have already noticed a HUGE difference in my moods,  hunger level, and energy level.  That tells me that something in my normal intake is affecting me,  so I’ll be interested to figure out what it is so I can adapt.   Honestly,  if I can feel this good every day,  I’m happy to mostly give up just about anything because it is such a difference.

I had a job interview last week!   I like my current job just fine but I’m keeping my options open since my current job is more of a “job” and not really related to my career path of nonprofit management.   The interview went well,  I think,  and now I’m waiting to hear back.


Looking professional for my job interview

Finally, it is less than 7 weeks to our 5k!  HH and I have stepped up our training routine and we are looking forward to the run!

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